Wulverheim Wiki
Vester's Maze

There is a mad mage in the Buccaneers bodice who has built a puzzle maze of some sort. He is visiting Gallimere and hopes to travel Wulverheim to find a rich buyer for the maze. Apparently it would make a great vault to store and protect treasures in.

Before seeking a buyer, Vestar would like to make sure that his maze is fully tested and reliable. He seems to think that the player would make a great maze rat and will ask them to test it out for him.

If the players agree to this, they will be instructed to first find his room for rent in the Buccaneers Bodice, which is room number 9, down stairs. In there is a portal to his maze. The players need to enter it and see if they can find a gem in the heart of the maze and return it to him.

The Maze contains a series of lever and switch related puzzles, but no enemies, except for one Clockroach that the players will have to fight, if they fail the Clay Golem’s Riddle.

Vestar will reward the players 100gp and 1000XP. A generous XP reward is in place as it is one of the first quests to get new characters levelled up.


Walls Can Conceal Things Puzzle

There is a hidden Door Puzzle when you get to the sign that gives you a riddle that says: "Walls conceal things... does it mean floors reveal things?" The riddle is hinting at the floor. So search the floors of the corridors and you should eventually find a pressure plate.  The pressure plate will open the hidden door that’s disguised as a wall for a short time, so make haste in getting back to the secret door before it closes.


4 Lever Statue Puzzle

There is a Room with 4 Statues and 4 Levers.  Actually there are 8 Statues, 4 large ones and 4 Small ones.  The Levers are a Combination Puzzle.  The clue for the Combination is found with the Statues.  Just examine the order in which the small statues are placed on the table and then examine which large statues are identical to the small ones.  The small statues are placed in order from left to right on the table.  This represents the order of the combination that the levers must be pulled, corresponding with the large statues.
